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WE HAVE MULTIPLE LOCATIONS IN USA - NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY AND MASSACHUSETTES as well as in jamaica W.I. - kingston, St. andrew and St. catherine

Welcome to Miracle World Outreach Ministries, Inc!
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Welcome and we hope you are excited to find a ministry that teaches the Word of God and shares His love with others.  We have multiple locations in the Northeastern United States and internationally in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, India, Pakistan and Africa.  Our main goal is to share the love of God and carry the message of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ to the world.  We are very Missions focused and support over 200 locations for ministry outreach, food distrubution, and lifting communities to self-empowerment. Please feel free to visit our locations or you can watch our live streams from the comfort of your home on our website. Either way, you will be blessed by God!